Human Design Basics

Let’s talk about Human Design basics…

Welcome! I’m guessing you landed here in this magical land for one of two reasons. a) you have heard the word Human Design thrown around a few times and are curious what it’s all about or b) have dipped your toe in the Human Design waters, learned a bit about your own unique design, and are ready to dive head first down the rabbit hole.

I remember the first time I learned about my own design. From the very first five minutes of my reading, they had me hook, line and sinker. I’m not going to lie…it can be a very complex system but I can assure you that you are in the perfect place to learn the basics to that you too can journey down the road of self-discovery.

What is it?

Since you’re here, I’m going to presume that you have heard about Astrology. The most simplistic way I like to explain what Human Design is “You know how you can get your Astrological birth chart read? Human Design is a little like that”. The more technical explanation? Created in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu, Human Design synthesizes Astrology, the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, the Chakra System, and Quantum Physics to create your unique blueprint.

…and what is this unique blueprint?

It’s your soul’s blueprint of who your soul intended you to be before society conditioned you and told you who you ‘should’ be. It’s a self-development and self-actualisation tool to help you become your true and most authentic self. It helps you learn about how you are energetically designed and how to use this energy in a way that’s productive, efficient, and most in line with you so that you can release resistance and live in flow. 

…and it’s all calculated off your birth time, date, and location.

How do you use it?

Knowing your Human Design is like having a manual on ‘How to do life’ handed to you. It’s your map that indicates how you are unique as a person (as unique as your fingerprint), and guides you in living in sync with your own energy. From love, friendship, work, business, and play, you can use it to guide you through all.

Want to know why you’re feeling burned out, frustrated, bitter, or angry? Look at your Human Design. Can’t seem to make a decision and stick with it? Look at your Human Design. Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill? Look at your Human Design.

Why would you use it?

Not only is knowing your Human Design an incredible tool to help you better understand yourself on a really deeeep level (I’m talking why you do what you do kind of level) it also helps you to trust yourself, block out the noise of what everyone says you should do, be, think, feel, and really come back within and stop looking externally for answers. Plus, you can use it to better understand how others in your life work and how to better communicate with, support and understand them.

Pretty cool right?

Where do I even start?

There is sooo much information when it comes to Human Design and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed and go down a rabbit hole. When starting with Human Design, look at your Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority...that’s it! If you follow those three things, everything else is going to fall into place. And of course, you can also book a Human Design reading to really get into the juiciness of it all.

The most important part is to take what resonates and leave the rest. It’s all about experimenting and having fun with it!


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