1:1 Mentorship

Know yourself deeply, build unshakeable self-trust and step into your unfcukable power

You’re done with the limiting beliefs, people-pleasing, self-doubt, and playing small. You’re ready to light a damn fire! You’re not sure why, but deep down you know you’re meant for more and you’re ready to find out what that more is.

It's time to unleash your unapologetic self and build unshakeable confidence where you start to create the juicy you’ve been day dreaming about.

This is your space!

Together, we'll dive deep into the core of your being, unraveling old patterns, releasing limiting beliefs, and paving the way for profound personal growth. It’s custom-tailored support to address your specific needs and challenges for maximum impact and progress with close proximity to me.

We’ll go deep into who you are, remove limiting beliefs, reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock the power within you.

1:1 Mentorship Program is for you if…

  • You have this deep feeling that you’re meant for more

  • You're ready to break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and step into your authentic self, unapologetically.

  • You feel like you’re really indecisive and have to ask everyone else for their opinion

  • You’re terrified to speak up because you’re worried about what people will think 😣

  • You’re ready to confidently speak your truth and not worry about what other people think of you.

  • You want to learn how to say “no” + really put yourself first without feeling guilty or selfish.

  • To finally feel confident and empowered to back yourself

  • You’re ready to take your life to the next level

There’s a reason why people who have direct access to a coach or mentor have rapid growth compared to someone who figures it out for themself - you collapse time and create rapid change

How it works.

This 3 month container is your first step to grabbing your life by the reigns, trusting yourself deeply, and becoming the designer of the life YOU desire.

Each session we have together is tailored to your unique journey to rediscover yourself, remove your limiting beliefs, reprogram your subconscious mind and unlock your inner badass power to go after what you actually want.

Imagine in 3 months time…

  • You know so deeply who you are and have the confidence to make aligned decisions with ease

  • Those limiting beliefs are no more - you’re able jump off the cliff, take the risks, and trust yourself so deeply while you do it

  • You’ve unlocked opportunities you never thought possible

  • You know how to powerfully say ‘no’

  • Your relationships are thriving because you are confidently communicating and showing up as your true self

  • You’ve finally asked for that pay rise that you’ve been long overdue for or started that business you never thought you’d be able to do

  • You show up every day as your confident, authentic self not giving a damn what anyone thinks.

Ready to start this journey? Step back into your power and become the confident, authentic woman you were born to be.

  • 3 month mentorship program

  • 6 x fortnightly 1:1 coaching calls (via Zoom)

  • Direct access to me via Voxer (voice & text app) where we can connect, share, and have guided support in between our calls

  • Access to additional life changing mindset & embodiment tools

What’s included


$600 x 3 months
or $1,800 in full

Who am I and why am I the woman to mentor you?

Hey there, I'm Chantel! As a Holistic Transformation Coach, I am dedicated to empowering women to reclaim their power.

Having personally experienced the struggles of being a people pleaser, I intimately understand the pain of fearing rejection, playing small, and losing sight of my own desires.

For a huge part of my life, I saw myself as shy, indecisive, and completely misunderstood. I doubted every decision I made, never spoke up in relationships for fear of being ‘shut down’ or rejected, had absolutely no belief in myself, and had hit absolute rock bottom.

It was through my own transformational journey that I discovered the keys to break free, trust myself deeply, build boundaries without guilt, and step into my unapologetic self.

I then went on to become certified in numerous healing and transformational practices to support my clients and help them experience the confidence and self trust they desire.