A 4 month group mastermind to tame your inner critic, embody unshakeable confidence, claim your space, and unlock your next level in business.

Girl, I hear you. You say the affirmations, listen to the mindset and business podcasts and immerse yourself in mindset work. Yet, you still don’t feel confident to show up online and call yourself an expert.

The overthinking, fear of judgment, and being called out paralyses you.

It’s a challenge I see so many business women struggle with.

The thing is, mindset is a big part of the journey BUT it only gets you so far. Because, you don’t want to just be thinking confidently, right? You want to deeply feel confidence ripple through your body.

The crucial component you are missing to go from “faking it till you make it” and forcing confidence to embodying confidence in every fiber of your being is..


Imagine being a woman who radiates confidence, believes in herself, fearlessly owns her expertise, speaks her truth, and goes after everything she desires. A woman who is truly thriving in her business.

…Are you ready to be that woman?

I used to constantly be in my head. Overthinking everything that was about to come out of my mouth when I was showing up online, speaking to potential clients, or even just talking about my business to friends and family. “Am I saying the right thing”, “I don’t know enough”, and “What if I get caught out?” would constantly be circling in my mind.

I used to spend hours planning and crafting a post, only to delete it later out of fear of what others would think or that I’d be caught out.

I was always signing up for new workshops and researching new certifications because I truly believed that my qualifications and personal experience just weren’t enough.

I constantly compared myself to other women in the same field as me, dishonoured my boundaries, put myself down, and second-guessed every decision I made.

And don’t even get me started on the anxiety I felt leading up to sales calls with potential clients.

My constant overthinking, self-doubt, and inner critic not only hindered my ability to promote my business, pitch myself, stay productive, and attract clients but also seeped into my personal life, robbing me of presence and genuine happiness because I was always trapped in my own anxious thoughts.

I spent years diving into the mindset tools, the books, the podcasts, the free programs, paid programs, rewiring my limiting beliefs - checking all the boxes of "right things" to gain confidence. Yet, I still didn’t feel it. It was exhausting and I started to wonder if there was something wrong with me. Would I ever be able to feel confident?

It wasn’t until I discovered Embodiment practices (the exact ones I’m going to be teaching you inside CONFIDENCE CATALYST) that things really started to shift and was able to fully embody true confidence.

I now proudly embrace the title of an expert, sharing content without being swayed by others' opinions, wholeheartedly trusting in my skills, abilities, and knowledge. I effortlessly make decisions aligned with my vision, stand firm in my boundaries, and eagerly welcome sales calls and workshops, confident that whatever unfolds is meant to be. Confidence is no longer a forced facade, it's a natural part of me, a transformation that has touched every aspect of my life including my social life, relationships, and overall belief and trust in myself.

So, are you ready to experience this embodied confidence for yourself?

I get it! I used to be you…

I have noticed a huge shift since working with Chantel. Her coaching style is supportive, positive, understanding, and creative. She creates a safe space for me to share my struggles, work through any problems I am facing, and build on my confidence.

She has helped me see that I am worthy of what I’m doing in my business. That I don’t need to prove myself and burn myself out in order to attract clients. I’ve learned the importance of fun, boundaries, and trusting myself. I was so afraid of saying ‘no’ to people, but Chantel helped me realise that by saying ‘yes’ and overexerting myself, I was actually saying ‘no’ to myself. And, when you say ‘yes’ to you, so many opportunities become available because you are now leading yourself. Thank you Chantel for showing me that I am worthy, that I deserve to have this dream business and I don’t need to burn myself out and give my soul away anymore.

Sarah Strozkiy - Fashion Stylist

This is for you if…

  • You struggle to confidently show up online and call yourself an expert out of fear of other people’s opinions and being called a fraud.

  • You've been holding yourself back, making yourself small, and dimming your light because you're afraid of judgment, making mistakes, offending others, rejection, and hesitant to reveal your authentic self. Hell, you don’t even know who your authentic self is anymore.

  • You find yourself grappling with self-doubt, questioning every decision you make.

  • A burning desire ignites within you every time you witness other women confidently asserting themselves, and speaking their truth online.

  • You struggle to have strong boundaries and confidently communicate them to clients, family, and friends.

  • You’ve found yourself stuck in a never-ending cycle of courses and "self-improvement", yet that feeling of “not knowing enough” is as loud as ever.

  • You feel like you need to keep going the extra mile for your clients, answering emails after hours, taking on extra work, or lowering your prices just to keep them on board or get them to work with you.

  • You don’t feel smart enough, capable enough, creative enough, or worthy. (even though you've been told countless times that you are more than deserving).

  • You confidently express your authentic self online, sharing content without giving a damn about what anyone thinks

  • You see yourself as a powerhouse of a woman who is capable of manifesting anything she desires.

  • You confidently claim your space and authority in your field

  • You gain a profound self-awareness, embracing your true self and recognising your remarkable potential. This newfound understanding empowers you to confidently pitch yourself and your business to fresh opportunities, expanding your reach and connecting with aligned potential clients, propelling you to your next level in business.

  • You believe your business and your offers are the bee’s knees and know that not sharing them is doing a disservice to those who need it.

  • As your confidence expands, you feel more connected to your body. You say ‘yes’ to exciting new opportunities. You create more joy in your life. You dance more. Laugh more.

Imagine in 4 months time…

  • You feel a sense of spaciousness, clarity, and focus in both your business and daily life, and have the thought of “my life is actually incredible” on a daily basis.

  • You make aligned decisions with ease.

  • You have a supportive group of badass businesswomen who've got your back, cheering you on and offering support whenever you need it.

  • You’re creating a life and business with healthy boundaries, supportive habits, and the capacity to chase your dreams, your way.

  • Equipped with practical tools, you gracefully navigate stress, maintaining composure even in the most challenging situations.

  • Your self-trust is strengthening as you confidently stand up for your desires, speaking with clarity and assurance, and have started asking for what you ACTUALLY want.

The number one reason you’ve not yet become the wildly confident woman you desire to be is because you’re missing the most important ingredient… the embodiment. This essential element takes center stage in CONFIDENCE CATALYST, shaping the core of our focus.

The 3 Pillars

Why three pillars?

Because mindset just isn’t enough. If we just focus on the mindset you will hit a glass ceiling in your level of confidence and business.

I believe that in order to access true embodied confidence we need to focus on these three pillars: Mindset, Embodiment + Intuition.

What we’re covering

Rebirth Your Identity

This is where we peel it all back and start from the beginning. We’ll confront and dispel limiting beliefs, identity, and stories, break free from shame cycles, and craft an empowering identity that resonates with your desired and authentic self.

Tame Your Inner Critic

We’ll unleash the transformative power of your thoughts, and speak directly to your inner critic, her fears, and her desires, and allow her to feel safe so she no longer is in the driver’s seat.

Reclaim Your Confidence

This is where the true magic happens.

Just like our minds, our bodies also have a memory card. Those outdated beliefs and past experiences impeding our confidence are stored deep within. By liberating stored stress, emotions, and trauma, we not only make way for confidence to flourish but also foster a profound self-connection, understanding, and liberation. These transformative practices are the very keys that propelled my confidence to new heights, elevating and expanding my business like never before.

Claim Your Space

Profound trust and belief in ourselves, our skills, and our experience is the key to asserting our expertise and emerging as the go-to authority in our field. This foundation empowers us to communicate with confidence, present ourselves persuasively, seize new opportunities, and magnetically attract potential clients…and, as we all know, people are naturally drawn to those who exude confidence.

Own The Room

Discover the art of commanding attention, staying rooted in confidence, and captivating any audience, whether you're presenting in workshops, public speaking events, or making your mark online.

Unlock Your Intuition

Making decisions aligned with your values is crucial in both business and life. Inside, you’ll learn how to reconnect with your inner compass, gaining wisdom that directs your content creation and strategy choices. This knowledge eliminates the reliance on external validation, allowing decisions to stay true to your beliefs and your business's needs. This authenticity cultivates a natural flow, alleviating the uphill battle that often leads to burnout, bringing ease into your life.

Stepping into Your New Level in Business

Every day we are casting a vote for our future selves and our future business through the little actions we take. We’ll get clear on how you want to feel in your business and determine the daily practices needed to swiftly manifest your desires and goals - whether that’s income, clients, new opportunities, or friendships.


Unlike other programs, CONFIDENCE CATALYST touches every aspect of your life. I believe that how we feel and show up in our business ripples out into every aspect of our lives. As we unravel deep-seated beliefs, release past baggage, and reconnect to your inner wisdom the transformation sparked by this journey goes far beyond the confines of your business.

This program is uniquely crafted to blend mindset work, embodiment practices, and the alchemy of soul connection to come back to yourself, release the old, and allow the true you to flow through. We don't just scratch the surface; we dive deep into unraveling limiting beliefs, redefining identity, and cultivating a confidence that is not only felt in the mind but embodied in every step you take. It's a fusion of strategic coaching and soulful exploration that goes beyond the ordinary, designed for those who crave authenticity, individuality, and a life and business where confidence isn't just a concept but a living, breathing reality. Join us, and let's unleash the extraordinary together!

During the 16 weeks together we will delve into the mindset, embodiment, coaching processes, and support needed to finally reclaim your confidence

What’s included

Group Calls

We have 15 live calls on zoom together. These calls will be a blend of coaching, trainings, and integration processes to support you in your transformation to go from self-conscious and self-doubt to deeply embodied in your confidence and moving through anything that comes up along the way.

Daily Embodiment Tools

You’ll have access to embodiment practices to access on a daily basis to connect even deeper to yourself and your confidence.

Portal Access

You’ll have access to the online portal where all replays and recordings will be kept along with embodiment processes to support you in your transformation.

Voice + Text Support

This is a group voice and text support so you’re able to plug in between our calls with any questions, blocks, or support you’re needing between our calls so you continue to rapidly move through your transformation and embody your wildly confident self.


Be supported by other women in this space where you will be held, seen, and encouraged along your journey.

What’s included in VIP

As well as everything above, inside VIP you'll also receive....

Fortnightly 1:1 Calls

Every fortnight you will have a 1:1 call with me where we will go deeper into the mindset and embodiment. These sessions are specifically tailored to your challenges and personal goals. We’ll work on deep healing your connection to self, rewiring the blocks to fully embody true confidence and self trust.

This is for you if you’re ready to go all in, super deep, and experience more rapid results in our 16 weeks together.

1:1 Voxer Support

In between our calls, you will have access to me via voice or text. This is where I can support you even deeper during the integration. You will have me in your pocket whenever anything comes up for you. Whether it be needing advice prior to a conversation or presentation, further clarification on a process, or a listening ear.


☑️ 15 x live group calls: a mix of training, coaching and integration processes

☑️ Portal access with weekly integration, mindset, and embodiment practices

☑️ Mastermind Voxer Support (voice + text support 3 days a week)

☑️ Tools, audios, and guided processes for your personal toolkit

☑️ All replays + recordings

Investment: $1,800 AUD pay in full

or $450 AUD x 4 months


**Limited to 3 spots**

☑️ Fortnightly 1:1 calls (7 in total)

☑️ Private Voxer Support (5 days a week voice + text support)

☑️ 15 x live group calls: a mix of training, coaching and integration processes

☑️ Portal access with weekly integration, mindset, and embodiment practices

☑️ Mastermind Voxer Support (voice + text support 4 days a week)

☑️ Tools, audios, and guided processes for your personal toolkit

☑️ All replays + recordings

Investment: $2,500 AUD pay in full

or $625 AUD x 4 months